Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Interface DbEnvFeedbackHandler

public interface DbEnvFeedbackHandler

The DbEnvFeedbackHandler interface is used by the DbEnv.setFeedback method. This interface defines the application-specific function to be called to to report Berkeley DB operation progress.

Method Summary
 void feedback(DbEnv dbenv, int opcode, int percent)
          The DbEnvFeedbackHandler interface is used by the DbEnv.setFeedback method.

Method Detail


public void feedback(DbEnv dbenv,
                     int opcode,
                     int percent)
The DbEnvFeedbackHandler interface is used by the DbEnv.setFeedback method. This interface defines the application-specific function to be called to to report Berkeley DB operation progress.

dbenv - a reference to the enclosing database environment.
opcode - an operation code. The opcode parameter may take on any of the following values:
percent - the percent of the operation that has been completed, specified as an integer value between 0 and 100.

Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

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