Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52


abort() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
The DbTxn.abort method causes an abnormal termination of the transaction.
abortTxn() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Aborts the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet
Adds the specified entity to this set if it is not already present (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredKeySet
Adds the specified key to this set if it is not already present (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Inserts the specified element into the list or inserts a duplicate into other types of collections (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredEntrySet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present (optional operation).
addAll(Collection) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection (optional operation).
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list at the specified position (optional operation).
addSize(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Skip the given number of bytes in the buffer.
addValue(DataThang, Object, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Adds a duplicate value for a specified key.
appDispatch(DbEnv, Dbt, DbLsn, int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbAppDispatch
The DbAppDispatch interface is used by the DbEnv.setAppDispatch method.
append(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Appends a given value returning the newly assigned key.
append(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Appends a given value returning the newly assigned index.
append(Object, Object[], Object[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Appends a value and returns the new key.
areDuplicatesAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether duplicates are allowed for the index or store.
areDuplicatesAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns whether duplicates are allowed for the database.
areDuplicatesAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether duplicate keys are allowed in this container.
areDuplicatesOrdered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether duplicates are ordered for the index or store.
areDuplicatesOrdered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns whether duplicates are ordered for the database.
areDuplicatesOrdered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether duplicate keys are allowed and sorted by element value.
areKeysRenumbered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether keys (record numbers) are renumbered for the index or store.
areKeysRenumbered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns whether keys (record numbers) are renumbered for the database.
areKeysRenumbered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether keys are renumbered when insertions and deletions occur.
assignKey(DataBuffer) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.PrimaryKeyAssigner
Assigns a new primary key value into the given data buffer.
associate(DbTxn, Db, DbSecondaryKeyCreate, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
autoCommitCollection(Collection) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a auto-commit collection from a given stored collection.
autoCommitList(List) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a auto-commit list from a given stored list.
autoCommitMap(Map) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a auto-commit map from a given stored map.
autoCommitSet(Set) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a auto-commit set from a given stored set.
autoCommitSortedMap(SortedMap) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a auto-commit sorted map from a given stored sorted map.
autoCommitSortedSet(SortedSet) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a auto-commit sorted set from a given stored sorted set.
autoCommitView(boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns a new view with a specified autoCommit setting.
available() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream


beginTxn() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Begins a new transaction for this environment and associates it with the current thread.
beginTxn(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Begins a new transaction for this environment and associates it with the current thread.
BINARY - Static variable in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType
byte[] data type.
bt_dup_pg - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of database duplicate pages.
bt_dup_pgfree - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of bytes free in database duplicate pages.
bt_free - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of pages on the free list.
bt_int_pg - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of database internal pages.
bt_int_pgfree - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of bytes free in database internal pages.
bt_leaf_pg - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of database leaf pages.
bt_leaf_pgfree - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of bytes free in database leaf pages.
bt_levels - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of levels in the database.
bt_magic - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Magic number that identifies the file as a Btree database.
bt_maxkey - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
bt_metaflags - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
bt_minkey - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
The minimum keys per page.
bt_ndata - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
For the Btree Access Method, the number of key/data pairs in the database.
bt_nkeys - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
For the Btree Access Method, the number of unique keys in the database.
bt_over_pg - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of database overflow pages.
bt_over_pgfree - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Number of bytes free in database overflow pages.
bt_pagesize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Underlying database page size, in bytes.
bt_re_len - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
The length of fixed-length records.
bt_re_pad - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
The padding byte value for fixed-length records.
bt_version - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
The version of the Btree database.
ByteArrayBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.ByteArrayBinding.
A transparent binding where the data byte array is used as the object.
ByteArrayBinding(ByteArrayFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.ByteArrayBinding
Creates a byte array binding.
ByteArrayFormat - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.ByteArrayFormat.
The format for data stored as a byte array.
ByteArrayFormat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.ByteArrayFormat
Creates a byte array format.
bytesToChars(byte[], int, char[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Converts byte arrays into character arrays.
bytesToString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Converts byte arrays into strings.


canDeriveKeyFromValue() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether data keys can be derived from the value/entity binding of this view, which determines whether a value/entity object alone is sufficient for operations that require keys.
charsToBytes(char[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Converts character arrays into byte arrays.
ClassCatalog - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.ClassCatalog.
Represents a catalog of class information for use in object serialization so that class descriptions can be stored separately from serialized objects.
clear() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Removes all mappings or elements from this map or collection (optional operation).
clear(Collection) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Deletes all records in the current range, optionally returning the values for the deleted records.
clearDataFormation() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
clearDataFormation() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
clearDataFormation() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBuffer
Sets the formation associated with the data in this buffer to null.
clearIndexKey(DataBuffer) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.KeyExtractor
Clears the index key in a value buffer.
clearIndexKey(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor
clearIndexKey(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor
clearIndexKey(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor
clearIndexKey(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledKeyExtractor
clearIndexKey(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor
Clears the index key in the deserialized value data.
clearIndexKey(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor
Clears the index key in a value data object.
clearIndexKey(String) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.MarshalledTupleKeyEntity
Clears the entity's index key value for the given key name.
clearIndexKey(TupleInput, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledKeyExtractor
clearIndexKey(TupleInput, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor
Clears the index key in the tuple value data.
close() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.StoredClassCatalog
close() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore
Closes the store and all associated indices.
close() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Closes the database.
close() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Closes a cursor.
close() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.ClassCatalog
Close a catalog database and release any cached resources.
close() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Closes this iterator.
close() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
The Dbc.close method discards the cursor.
close(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogc
The DbLogc.close method discards the log cursor.
close(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.close method closes the Berkeley DB environment, freeing any allocated resources and closing any underlying subsystems.
close(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.close method flushes any cached database information to disk, closes any open cursors, frees any allocated resources, and closes any underlying files.
close(Iterator) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Closes the given iterator using StoredIterator.close() if it is a StoredIterator.
closeCursor(Dbc) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Closes a cursor for this database.
com.sleepycat.bdb - package com.sleepycat.bdb
Core database classes for defining an environment, creating data stores, and running transactions
[reference guide]
com.sleepycat.bdb.bind - package com.sleepycat.bdb.bind
Interfaces for defining data formats and data-to-object bindings [reference guide]
com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial - package com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial
Formats and bindings that use Java serialization
com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple - package com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple
Formats and bindings that use sequences of primitive data items or tuples
com.sleepycat.bdb.collection - package com.sleepycat.bdb.collection
Collection classes providing Map, Set, List and Iterator views of a data store
[reference guide]
com.sleepycat.bdb.factory - package com.sleepycat.bdb.factory
Factory classes
com.sleepycat.bdb.util - package com.sleepycat.bdb.util
General utilities used throughout DB
[reference guide]
com.sleepycat.db - package com.sleepycat.db
Java API programming notes
[reference guide]
commit(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
The DbTxn.commit method ends the transaction.
commitTxn() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Commits the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction.
comparator() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns null since comparators are not supported.
comparator() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns null since comparators are not supported.
comparator() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns null since comparators are not supported.
comparator() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns null since comparators are not supported.
compare(Db, Dbt, Dbt) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeCompare
The DbBtreeCompare interface is used by the Db.setBtreeCompare method.
compareDuplicates(Db, Dbt, Dbt) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbDupCompare
The DbDupCompare interface is used by the Db.setDuplicatelicateCompare method.
compareTo(Dbt) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Returns -1 if the byte array of this thang is less than that of the given thang, 0 if they are equal, or 1 if greater.
consume(int, Object[], Object[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Performs a database 'get and consume' operation.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Returns true if this list contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredKeySet
Returns true if this set contains the specified key.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredEntrySet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Returns true if this map contains the specified key.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Returns true if this map contains the specified value.
copy(DataThang) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Copies the data from the given thang to this thang..
count() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Return the number of duplicates for the current key.
count() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns the number of elements having the same key value as the key value of the element last returned by next() or previous().
count(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
The Dbc.count method returns a count of the number of data items for the key to which the cursor refers.
CurrentTransaction - class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction.
Provides access to the current transaction for the current thread within the context of a Berkeley DB environment.
cursor(DbTxn, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.cursor method returns a created database cursor.


DataBinding - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBinding.
The interface implemented by all data-to-object bindings.
DataBuffer - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBuffer.
The interface used in bindings to access the data as a byte array.
DataCursor - class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor.
(internal) Represents a Berkeley DB cursor and adds support for indices, bindings and key ranges.
DataCursor(DataCursor) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Clones a cursor preserving the current position.
DataCursor(DataView, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Creates a cursor for a given view.
DataCursor(DataView, boolean, Object) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Creates a cursor for a given view and single key range.
DataCursor(DataView, boolean, Object, boolean, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Creates a cursor for a given view and key range.
DataDb - class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb.
(internal) Wraps a Berkeley DB database (Db) object and adds normalization of certain flags and environment modes.
DataDb(Db) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Creates a database wrapper.
DataFormat - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataFormat.
The tag interface implemented by all data formats.
DataIndex - class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataIndex.
Represents a Berkeley DB secondary index.
DataIndex(DataStore, Db, DataFormat, KeyExtractor) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataIndex
Creates an index from a previously opened Db object.
DataStore - class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore.
Represents a Berkeley DB database in the role of a primary data store.
DataStore(Db, DataFormat, DataFormat, PrimaryKeyAssigner) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore
Creates a store from a previously opened Db object.
DataThang - class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang.
(internal) An extension of a Berkeley DB thang (Dbt) that supports the DataBuffer interface for bindings and other added utilities.
DataThang() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Creates a thang with no data.
DataThang(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Creates a thang containing the given data data.
DataThang(DataThang) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Creates a thang with a copy of the data from the given thang.
dataToInput(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleFormat
Utility method to create a new tuple input object for reading the data from a given buffer.
dataToObject(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberBinding
dataToObject(DataBuffer) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBinding
Converts a data buffer into an Object.
dataToObject(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.ByteArrayBinding
dataToObject(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialFormat
Utility method for use by bindings to deserialize an object.
dataToObject(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialBinding
dataToObject(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInputBinding
dataToObject(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleBinding
dataToObject(DataBuffer, DataBuffer) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.EntityBinding
Converts key and value data buffers into an entity Object.
dataToObject(DataBuffer, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
dataToObject(DataBuffer, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
dataToObject(DataBuffer, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
dataToObject(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialBinding
Can be overridden to convert the deserialized data object to another object.
dataToObject(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
Constructs an entity object from deserialized key and value data objects.
dataToObject(TupleInput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleMarshalledBinding
dataToObject(TupleInput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleBinding
Constructs a key or value object from TupleInput data.
dataToObject(TupleInput, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledBinding
dataToObject(TupleInput, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
Constructs an entity object from TupleInput key data and deserialized value data objects.
dataToObject(TupleInput, TupleInput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledBinding
dataToObject(TupleInput, TupleInput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
Constructs an entity object from TupleInput key and value data objects.
dataToRecordNumber(DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberFormat
Utility method for use by bindings to translate a data buffer to an record number integer.
DataType - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType.
Primitive data type constants.
DataView - class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView.
(internal) Represents a Berkeley DB database and adds support for indices, bindings and key ranges.
DataView(DataStore, DataIndex, DataBinding, DataBinding, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Creates a view for a given store/index and bindings.
DATETIME - Static variable in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType
Date data type.
Db - class com.sleepycat.db.Db.
The Db handle is the handle for a Berkeley DB database, which may or may not be part of a database environment.
DB_AFTER - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_AGGRESSIVE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_APPEND - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_ARCH_ABS - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_ARCH_DATA - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_ARCH_LOG - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_ARCH_REMOVE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_AUTO_COMMIT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_BEFORE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_BTREE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_CACHED_COUNTS - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_CDB_ALLDB - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_CHKSUM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_CONSUME - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_CONSUME_WAIT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_CREATE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_CURRENT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_DBT_MALLOC - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DBT_PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DBT_REALLOC - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DBT_USERMEM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DIRECT_DB - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DIRECT_LOG - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DIRTY_READ - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DONOTINDEX - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DUP - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_DUPSORT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_EID_BROADCAST - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_EID_INVALID - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_ENCRYPT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_ENCRYPT_AES - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_EXCL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_FAST_STAT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_FILEOPEN - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_FIRST - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_FLUSH - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_FORCE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_GET_BOTH - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_GET_RECNO - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_HASH - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_INIT_CDB - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_INIT_LOCK - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_INIT_LOG - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_INIT_MPOOL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_INIT_REP - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_INIT_TXN - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_JOIN_ITEM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_JOIN_NOSORT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_JOINENV - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_KEYEMPTY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_KEYEXIST - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_KEYFIRST - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_KEYLAST - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LAST - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_LOCK_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_EXPIRE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_GET - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_GET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_IREAD - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_IWR - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_IWRITE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_MAXLOCKS - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_MINLOCKS - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_MINWRITE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_LOCK_NOWAIT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_OLDEST - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_PUT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_PUT_ALL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_PUT_OBJ - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_RANDOM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_READ - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_WRITE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOCKDOWN - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_MPOOL_NOFILE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_MULTIPLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NEXT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NEXT_DUP - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NEXT_NODUP - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NODUPDATA - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOLOCKING - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOMMAP - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOORDERCHK - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOOVERWRITE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOPANIC - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOSERVER - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_NOSERVER_HOME - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOSERVER_ID - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOSYNC - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_NOTFOUND - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_OLD_VERSION - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_ORDERCHKONLY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_OVERWRITE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_PANIC_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_POSITION - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PREV - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PREV_NODUP - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PRINTABLE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PRIORITY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PRIORITY_HIGH - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PRIORITY_LOW - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PRIORITY_VERY_LOW - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_PRIVATE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_QUEUE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RDONLY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RECNO - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RECNUM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RECORDCOUNT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_RECOVER - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RECOVER_FATAL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REGION_INIT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RENUMBER - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_CLIENT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_DUPMASTER - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_HOLDELECTION - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_ISPERM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_LOGSONLY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_MASTER - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_NEWMASTER - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_NEWSITE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_NOBUFFER - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_NOTPERM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_OUTDATED - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_PERMANENT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REP_UNAVAIL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_REVSPLITOFF - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RMW - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RPCCLIENT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_RUNRECOVERY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_SALVAGE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_SECONDARY_BAD - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_SET - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_SET_LOCK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_SET_RANGE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_SET_RECNO - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_SET_TXN_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_STAT_CLEAR - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_SYSTEM_MEM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_THREAD - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TIME_NOTGRANTED - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_ABORT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_APPLY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_BACKWARD_ROLL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_FORWARD_ROLL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_NOSYNC - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_NOT_DURABLE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_NOWAIT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_PRINT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_SYNC - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_UPGRADE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_USE_ENVIRON - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_VERB_CHKPOINT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_VERB_DEADLOCK - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_VERB_RECOVERY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_VERB_REPLICATION - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_VERB_WAITSFOR - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_VERIFY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_VERIFY_BAD - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_VERSION_PATCH - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
DB_WRITECURSOR - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_XA_CREATE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_XIDDATASIZE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
DB_YIELDCPU - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
A constant used to configure the system.
Db(DbEnv, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The constructor creates a Db object that is the handle for a Berkeley DB database.
DbAppDispatch - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbAppDispatch.
An interface specifying a recovery function, which recovers application-specific actions.
DbAppendRecno - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbAppendRecno.
An interface specifying a callback function that modifies stored data based on a generated key.
dbAppendRecno(Db, Dbt, int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbAppendRecno
The DbAppendRecno interface is used by the Db.setAppendRecno method.
DbBtreeCompare - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeCompare.
An interface specifying a comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on the keys in a Btree database.
DbBtreePrefix - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreePrefix.
An interface specifying a comparison function, which specifies the number of bytes needed to differentiate Btree keys.
DbBtreeStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat.
The DbBtreeStat object is used to return Btree or Recno database statistics.
DbBtreeStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Dbc - class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc.
The Dbc object is the handle for a cursor into a Berkeley DB database.
DbClient - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbClient.
The DbClient object is used to encapsulate a reference to an RPC client.
DbDeadlockException - exception com.sleepycat.db.DbDeadlockException.
This information describes the DbDeadlockException class and how it is used in the Berkeley DB library.
DbDupCompare - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbDupCompare.
An interface specifying a comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on the duplicate data items in a Btree database.
DbEnv - class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv.
The DbEnv object is the handle for a Berkeley DB environment -- a collection including support for some or all of caching, locking, logging and transaction subsystems, as well as databases and log files.
DbEnv.RepProcessMessage - class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv.RepProcessMessage.
DbEnv.RepProcessMessage() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv.RepProcessMessage
DbEnv(int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The constructor creates the DbEnv object.
DbEnvFeedback - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbEnvFeedback.
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnvFeedbackHandler
DbEnvFeedbackHandler - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbEnvFeedbackHandler.
The DbEnvFeedbackHandler interface is used by the DbEnv.setFeedback method.
DbErrcall - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbErrcall.
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbErrorHandler
DbErrorHandler - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbErrorHandler.
An interface specifying a application-specific error reporting function.
DbException - exception com.sleepycat.db.DbException.
This information describes the DbException class and how it is used by the various Berkeley DB classes.
DbException(String) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbException
The DbException constructor returns an instance of the DbException class containing the string.
DbException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbException
The DbException constructor returns an instance of the DbException class containing the string and the encapsulated errno.
DbException(String, int, DbEnv) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbException
The DbException constructor returns an instance of the DbException class containing the string, the encapsulated errno, and the database environment.
DbFeedback - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbFeedback.
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbFeedbackHandler
DbFeedbackHandler - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbFeedbackHandler.
The DbFeedbackHandler interface is used by the Db.setFeedback method.
DbHash - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbHash.
An interface specifying a hashing function, which imposes a total ordering on the Hash database.
DbHashStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat.
The DbHashStat object is used to return Hash database statistics.
DbHashStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
DbKeyRange - class com.sleepycat.db.DbKeyRange.
DbKeyRange() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbKeyRange
DbLock - class com.sleepycat.db.DbLock.
The locking interfaces for the Berkeley DB database environment are methods of the DbEnv handle.
DbLockNotGrantedException - exception com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException.
This information describes the DbLockNotGrantedException class and how it is used by the various Db* classes.
DbLockRequest - class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest.
The DbLockRequest object is used to encapsulate a single lock request.
DbLockRequest(int, int, Dbt, DbLock) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest constructor constructs a DbLockRequest with the specified operation, mode and lock, for the specified object.
DbLockRequest(int, int, Dbt, DbLock, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest constructor constructs a DbLockRequest with the specified operation, mode, lock and timeout for the specified object.
DbLockStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat.
The DbLockStat object is used to return lock region statistics.
DbLockStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
DbLogc - class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogc.
The DbLogc object is the handle for a cursor into the log files, supporting sequential access to the records stored in log files.
DbLogStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat.
The DbLogStat object is used to return logging subsystem statistics.
DbLogStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
DbLsn - class com.sleepycat.db.DbLsn.
The DbLsn object is a log sequence number which specifies a unique location in a log file.
DbLsn(int, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbLsn
The DbLsn constructor constructs a DbLsn with the specified file and offset.
DbMemoryException - exception com.sleepycat.db.DbMemoryException.
This information describes the DbMemoryException class and how it is used by the various Db* classes.
DbMpoolFile - class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile.
The memory pool interfaces for the Berkeley DB database environment are methods of the DbEnv handle.
DbMpoolFStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat.
The DbMpoolFStat object is used to return memory pool per-file statistics.
DbMpoolFStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
DbMpoolStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat.
The DbMpoolStat object is used to return memory pool statistics.
DbMpoolStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
DbMultipleDataIterator - class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleDataIterator.
The DbMultipleDataIterator class is used to iterate through data returned using the Db.DB_MULTIPLE flag from a database belonging to any access method.
DbMultipleDataIterator(Dbt) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleDataIterator
The constructor takes the data Dbt returned by the call to Db.get or Dbc.get that used the Db.DB_MULTIPLE flag.
DbMultipleKeyDataIterator - class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleKeyDataIterator.
The DbMultipleKeyDataIterator class is used to iterate through data returned using the Db.DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag from a database belonging to the Btree or Hash access methods.
DbMultipleKeyDataIterator(Dbt) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleKeyDataIterator
The constructor takes the data Dbt returned by the call to Db.get or Dbc.get that used the Db.DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag.
DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator - class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator.
This class is used to iterate through data returned using the Db.DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag from a database belonging to the Recno or Queue access methods.
DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator(Dbt) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator
The constructor takes the data Dbt returned by the call to Db.get or Dbc.get that used the Db.DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag.
DbPanicHandler - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbPanicHandler.
An interface specifying a function to handle database environment panics.
DbPreplist - class com.sleepycat.db.DbPreplist.
The DbPreplist object is used to encapsulate a single prepared, but not yet resolved, transaction.
DbQueueStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat.
The DbQueueStat object is used to return Queue database statistics.
DbQueueStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
dbremove(DbTxn, String, String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.dbRemove(DbTxn,String,String,int)
dbRemove(DbTxn, String, String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.dbRemove method removes the database specified by the file and database parameters.
dbrename(DbTxn, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.dbRename(DbTxn,String,String,String,int)
dbRename(DbTxn, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.dbRename method renames the database specified by the file and database parameters to newname.
DbRepStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat.
The DbRepStat object is used to return replication subsystem statistics.
DbRepStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
DbRepTransport - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbRepTransport.
An interface specifying a replication transmit function, which sends information to other members of the replication group.
DbRunRecoveryException - exception com.sleepycat.db.DbRunRecoveryException.
This information describes the DbRunRecoveryException class and how it is used by the various Berkeley DB classes.
DbSecondaryKeyCreate - interface com.sleepycat.db.DbSecondaryKeyCreate.
An interface specifying a function which constructs secondary keys from primary key and data items.
Dbt - class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt.
This information describes the specific details of the Dbt class, used to encode keys and data items in a database.
Dbt() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Construct an empty Dbt.
Dbt(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Construct a Dbt where the data is the contents of the array and the Dbt's length is set to the length of the array.
Dbt(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Construct a Dbt from len bytes from the array, starting at off.
Dbt(Object) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Construct a Dbt where the data is the serialized form of the Object.
DbTxn - class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn.
The DbTxn object is the handle for a transaction.
DbTxnStat - class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.
The DbTxnStat object is used to return transaction subsystem statistics.
DbTxnStat.Active - class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.Active.
DbTxnStat.Active() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.Active
DbTxnStat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
DEFAULT_BUMP_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
DEFAULT_INIT_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
del(DbTxn, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by delete(DbTxn,Dbt,int)
del(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbc.delete(int)
delete() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Perform an arbitrary database 'delete' operation.
delete(DataThang, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Performs a general database 'delete' operation.
delete(DbTxn, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.delete method removes key/data pairs from the database.
delete(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
The Dbc.delete method deletes the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
dirtyReadCollection(Collection) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a dirty-read collection from a given stored collection.
dirtyReadList(List) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a dirty-read list from a given stored list.
dirtyReadMap(Map) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a dirty-read map from a given stored map.
dirtyReadSet(Set) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a dirty-read set from a given stored set.
dirtyReadSortedMap(SortedMap) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a dirty-read sorted map from a given stored sorted map.
dirtyReadSortedSet(SortedSet) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Creates a dirty-read sorted set from a given stored sorted set.
dirtyReadView(boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns a new view with a specified dirtyRead setting.
discard(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
The DbTxn.discard method frees up all the per-process resources associated with the specified DbTxn handle, neither committing nor aborting the transaction.
DOUBLE - Static variable in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType
Double data type.
doWork() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionWorker
Perform the work for a single transaction.
dump(Dbt, PrintStream) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Prints the byte array of the given thing to the given stream using toString() to convert the bytes to a string.
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Prints the byte array of this thing to the given stream using toString() to convert the bytes to a string.
dup(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
The Dbc.dup method creates a new cursor that uses the same transaction and locker ID as the original cursor.
dupCursor(Dbc, boolean, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Duplicates a cursor for this database.
duplicates(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Returns a new collection containing the values mapped to the given key in this map.


EINVAL - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
ENOMEM - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
EntityBinding - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.EntityBinding.
The interface implemented by all entity or key/data-to-object bindings.
entrySet() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
envid - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv.RepProcessMessage
The envid field contains the local identifier of the environment returned by the DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage method.
equal - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbKeyRange
A value between 0 and 1, the proportion of keys equal to the specified key.
equals(Dbt) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Returns whether the byte array of this thang is equal to that of the given thang.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberFormat
Test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Compares the specified object with this list for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Compares the specified object with this collection for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.MapEntry
Compares this entry to a given entry as specified by Map.Entry.equals(java.lang.Object).
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
err(int, String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.err, DbEnv.errx, Db.err and Db.errx methods provide error-messaging functionality for applications written using the Berkeley DB library.
err(int, String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The DbEnv.err, DbEnv.errx, Db.err and Db.errx methods provide error-messaging functionality for applications written using the Berkeley DB library.
errcall(String, String) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbErrcall
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbErrorHandler.error(String,String)
error(String, String) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbErrorHandler
In some cases, when an error occurs, Berkeley DB will call the DbErrorHandler interface with additional error information.
errx(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.errx and Db.errx methods perform identically to the DbEnv.err and Db.err methods, except that they do not append the final separator characters and standard error string to the error message.
errx(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The DbEnv.errx and Db.errx methods perform identically to the DbEnv.err and Db.err methods, except that they do not append the final separator characters and standard error string to the error message.
ExceptionUnwrapper - class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.ExceptionUnwrapper.
Unwraps nested exceptions by calling the ExceptionWrapper.getDetail() method for exceptions that implement the ExceptionWrapper interface.
ExceptionUnwrapper() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.ExceptionUnwrapper
ExceptionWrapper - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.util.ExceptionWrapper.
Interface implemented by exceptions that can contain nested exceptions.
extractIndexKey(DataBuffer, DataBuffer, DataBuffer) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.KeyExtractor
Extracts the index key data from primary key and value buffers.
extractIndexKey(DataBuffer, DataBuffer, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor
extractIndexKey(DataBuffer, DataBuffer, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor
extractIndexKey(DataBuffer, DataBuffer, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor
extractIndexKey(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor
Extracts the index key data object from primary key and value data objects.
extractIndexKey(TupleInput, Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledKeyExtractor
extractIndexKey(TupleInput, Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor
Extracts the index key data from primary key tuple data and deserialized value data.
extractIndexKey(TupleInput, TupleInput, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledKeyExtractor
extractIndexKey(TupleInput, TupleInput, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor
Extracts the index key data from primary key tuple and value tuple data.


FastInputStream - class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream.
A replacement for ByteArrayInputStream that does not synchronize every byte read.
FastInputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
Creates an input stream.
FastInputStream(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
Creates an input stream.
FastOutputStream - class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream.
A replacement for ByteArrayOutputStream that does not synchronize every byte read.
FastOutputStream() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Creates an output stream with default sizes.
FastOutputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Creates an output stream with a given initial buffer and a default bump size.
FastOutputStream(byte[], int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Creates an output stream with a given initial buffer and a given bump size.
FastOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Creates an output stream with a default bump size and a given initial size.
FastOutputStream(int, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Creates an output stream with a given bump size and initial size.
feedback(DbEnv, int, int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbEnvFeedbackHandler
The DbEnvFeedbackHandler interface is used by the DbEnv.setFeedback method.
feedback(DbEnv, int, int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbEnvFeedback
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by,int,int)
feedback(Db, int, int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbFeedbackHandler
The DbFeedbackHandler interface is used by the Db.setFeedback method.
feedback(Db, int, int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbFeedback
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by,int,int)
file_name - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
The name of the file.
find(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Find the given value, using DB_GET_BOTH if possible, or a sequential search otherwise.
first() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns the first (lowest) element currently in this sorted set.
first() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns the first (lowest) element currently in this sorted set.
first() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns the first (lowest) element currently in this sorted set.
firstKey() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns the first (lowest) key currently in this sorted map.
FLAGS_MOD_MASK - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
FLAGS_POS_MASK - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
FLOAT - Static variable in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType
Float data type.
ForeignKeyIndex - class com.sleepycat.bdb.ForeignKeyIndex.
Represents a Berkeley DB secondary index where the index key is the primary key of another data store.
ForeignKeyIndex(DataStore, Db, KeyExtractor, DataStore, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.ForeignKeyIndex
Creates a foreign key index from a previously opened Db object.


get_bt_minkey() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getBtreeMinKey()
get_byteswapped() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by isByteSwapped()
get_cachesize_ncache() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getCacheSizeNcache()
get_cachesize_ncache() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getCacheSizeNcache()
get_cachesize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getCacheSize()
get_cachesize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getCacheSize()
get_data_dirs() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getDataDirs()
get_data() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getData()
get_dbname() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getDatabaseName()
get_dbt() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMemoryException
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMemoryException.getDbt()
get_dlen() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getPartialLength()
get_doff() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getPartialOffset()
get_encrypt_flags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getEncryptFlags()
get_encrypt_flags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getEncryptFlags()
get_env() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getDbEnv()
get_errno() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbException
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbException.getErrno()
get_errpfx() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getErrorPrefix()
get_errpfx() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getErrorPrefix()
get_file() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLsn
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLsn.getFile()
get_filename() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getFileName()
get_flags_raw() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
get_flags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getFlags()
get_flags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.getFlags()
get_flags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getFlags()
get_flags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getFlags()
get_h_ffactor() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getHashFillFactor()
get_h_nelem() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getHashNumElements()
get_home() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getDbEnvHome()
get_index() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockNotGrantedException.getIndex()
get_lg_bsize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLogBufferSize()
get_lg_dir() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLogDir()
get_lg_max() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLogMax()
get_lg_regionmax() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLogRegionMax()
get_lk_conflicts() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockConflicts()
get_lk_detect() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockDetect()
get_lk_max_lockers() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockMaxLockers()
get_lk_max_locks() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockMaxLocks()
get_lk_max_objects() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockMaxObjects()
get_lock() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.getLock()
get_lock() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockNotGrantedException.getLock()
get_lorder() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getByteOrder()
get_maxsize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.getMaxsize()
get_mode() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.getMode()
get_mode() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockNotGrantedException.getMode()
get_mp_mmapsize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getMemoryPoolMapSize()
get_mpf() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.get_mpf method returns the handle for the cache file underlying the database.
get_obj() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.getObj()
get_obj() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockNotGrantedException.getObj()
get_object() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getObject()
get_offset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getOffset()
get_offset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLsn
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLsn.getOffset()
get_op() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.getOp()
get_op() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockNotGrantedException.getOp()
get_open_flags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getOpenFlags()
get_open_flags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getOpenFlags()
get_pagesize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getPageSize()
get_priority() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.getPriority()
get_q_extentsize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getQueueExtentSize()
get_re_delim() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getRecordDelimiter()
get_re_len() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getRecordLength()
get_re_pad() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getRecordPad()
get_re_source() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getRecordSource()
get_recno_key_data() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getRecordNumber()
get_rep_limit() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getReplicationLimit()
get_shm_key() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getSegmentId()
get_size() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getSize()
get_tas_spins() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTestAndSetSpins()
get_timeout(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTimeout(int)
get_tmp_dir() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTmpDir()
get_transactional() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by isTransactional()
get_tx_max() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTxnMax()
get_tx_timestamp() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTxnTimestamp()
get_type() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by getDbType()
get_ulen() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.getUserBufferLength()
get_verbose(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getVerbose(int)
get_version_major() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getVersionMajor()
get_version_minor() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getVersionMinor()
get_version_patch() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getVersionPatch()
get_version_string() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getVersionString()
get(DataThang, DataThang, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Performs a general database 'get' operation.
get(Dbc, DataThang, DataThang, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Performs a general database 'get' operation via a cursor.
get(DbLsn, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogc
The DbLogc.get method returns records from the log.
get(Dbt, Dbt, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
get(Dbt, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
get(DbTxn, Dbt, Dbt, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
get(DbTxn, Dbt, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
get(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object, Object, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Perform a database 'get' using the given key and value.
get(Object, Object, int, boolean, Object[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Performs a general database 'get' operation.
getBaseClass() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialFormat
Returns the base class for this format.
getBtreeMinKey() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getBtreeMinKey method returns the minimum number of key/data pairs intended to be stored on any single Btree leaf page.
getBufferBytes() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Returns the buffer owned by this object.
getBufferBytes() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
Returns the underlying data being read.
getBufferLength() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Returns the length used in the internal buffer, that is, the offset at which data will be written next.
getBufferLength() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
Returns the end of the buffer being read.
getBufferOffset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Returns the offset of the internal buffer.
getBufferOffset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
Returns the offset at which data is being read from the buffer.
getByteLength(char[]) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Returns the byte length of the UTF string that would be created by converting the given characters to UTF.
getByteLength(char[], int, int) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Returns the byte length of the UTF string that would be created by converting the given characters to UTF.
getByteOrder() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getByteOrder method returns the database byte order; a byte order of 4,321 indicates a big endian order, and a byte order of 1,234 indicates a little endian order.
getBytes() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Returns the data for this thang.
getByteStream() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Returns the data for this thang as a byte array input stream..
getCacheSize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getCacheSize method returns the size of the cache.
getCacheSize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getCacheSize method returns the size of the cache.
getCacheSizeNcache() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getCacheSizeNcache method returns the number of caches.
getCacheSizeNcache() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The DbEnv.getCacheSizeNcache method returns the number of caches.
getCatalog() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Returns the class catalog associated with this factory.
getCharLength(byte[]) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Returns the number of characters represented by the given UTF string.
getCharLength(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Returns the number of characters represented by the given UTF string.
getClassFormat(byte[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.StoredClassCatalog
getClassFormat(byte[]) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.ClassCatalog
Return the ObjectStreamClass for the given class ID.
getClassFormat(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.StoredClassCatalog
getClassFormat(String) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.ClassCatalog
Return the ObjectStreamClass for the given class name.
getClassID(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.StoredClassCatalog
getClassID(String) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.ClassCatalog
Return the class ID for the current version of the given class name.
getCollection() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns the collection associated with this iterator.
getCurrentKey() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Returns the key object for the last record read.
getCurrentRecordNumber() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Returns the record number for the last record read.
getCurrentTxn() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the current transaction for the view or null if the environment is non-transactional.
getCurrentValue() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Returns the value object for the last record read.
getData() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return the data array.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getDatabaseName method returns the current database name.
getDataBytes() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
getDataBytes() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
getDataBytes() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBuffer
Returns the byte array of the data buffer.
getDataDirs() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getDataDirs method returns the array of directories.
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberBinding
getDataFormat() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBinding
Returns the format used for the data of this binding.
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.ByteArrayBinding
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialBinding
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInputBinding
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleBinding
getDataFormation() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
getDataFormation() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
getDataFormation() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBuffer
Returns the formation associated with the data in this buffer.
getDataLength() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
getDataLength() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
getDataLength() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBuffer
Returns the byte length of the data in the array.
getDataOffset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
getDataOffset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
getDataOffset() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBuffer
Returns the byte offset of the data in the array.
getDb() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the database for the index, if one is used, or store, if no index is used.
getDb() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns the underlying database.
getDbEnv() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbException
The DbException.getDbEnv method returns the database environment.
getDbEnv() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getDbEnv method returns the handle for the database environment underlying the database.
getDbEnvHome() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getDbEnvHome method returns the database environment home directory.
getDbt() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMemoryException
The getDbt method returns the Dbt with insufficient memory to complete the operation, causing the DbMemoryException to be thrown.
getDbType() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getDbType method returns the type of the underlying access method (and file format).
getDeleteAction() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.ForeignKeyIndex
Returns a value indicating what action occurs when the foreign key is deleted.
getDetail() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.RuntimeExceptionWrapper
getDetail() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.IOExceptionWrapper
getDetail() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.util.ExceptionWrapper
Returns the nested exception or null if none is present.
getDirtyRead() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Returns whether transactions will read data that is modified by another transaction but not committed.
getEncryptFlags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getEncryptFlags method returns the encryption flags.
getEncryptFlags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getEncryptFlags method returns the encryption flags.
getEnv() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the environment for the store and index.
getEnv() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore
Returns the environment associated with this store.
getEnv() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns the environment.
getEnv() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Returns the underlying Berkeley DB environment.
getErrno() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbException
The DbException.getErrno method returns the error value.
getErrorPrefix() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getErrorPrefix method returns the error prefix.
getErrorPrefix() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getErrorPrefix method returns the error prefix.
getFile() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLsn
The DbLsn.getFile method returns the DbLsn object's file number.
getFileName() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getFileName method returns the current filename.
getFlags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return the object flag value.
getFlags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
The DbMpoolFile.getFlags method returns the flags.
getFlags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getFlags method returns the configuration flags.
getFlags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getFlags method returns the current flags.
getForeignStore() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.ForeignKeyIndex
Returns the foreign store which has the primary key which matches the index key of this store.
getHashFillFactor() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getHashFillFactor method returns the hash table density.
getHashNumElements() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getHashNumElements method returns the estimate of the final size of the hash table.
getIndex() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the index, as specified to the constructor.
getIndex() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
The getIndex method returns -1 when DbEnv.lockGet was called, and returns the index of the failed DbLockRequest when DbEnv.lockVector was called.
getIndexKeyFormat() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.KeyExtractor
Returns the format of the index key data.
getIndexKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor
getIndexKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor
getIndexKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor
getIndices() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore
Returns the indices associated with this store.
getInstance(DbEnv) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Gets the CurrentTransaction accessor for a specified Berkeley DB environment.
getKey() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.MapEntry
Returns the key of this entry.
getKeyAssigner() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore
Returns the key assigner associated with this store.
getKeyBinding() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the key binding that is used.
getKeyExtractor() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataIndex
Returns the key extractor associated with this index.
getKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore
Returns the key format associated with this store.
getKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataIndex
Returns the key format associated with this index.
getKeyFormat() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.EntityBinding
Returns the format used for the key data of this binding.
getKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
getKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
getKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
getLock() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.getLock method returns the lock reference.
getLock() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
The getLock method returns null when DbEnv.lockGet was called, and returns the lock in the failed DbLockRequest when DbEnv.lockVector was called.
getLockConflicts() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getLockConflicts method returns the conflicts array.
getLockDetect() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getLockDetect method returns the deadlock detector configuration.
getLockForWrite() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns whether write-locks will be obtained when reading with this cursor.
getLockMaxLockers() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getLockMaxLockers method returns the maximum number of lockers.
getLockMaxLocks() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.setLockMaxLocks method returns the maximum number of locks.
getLockMaxObjects() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getLockMaxObjects method returns the maximum number of locked objects.
getLogBufferSize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getLogBufferSize method returns the size of the log buffer, in bytes.
getLogDir() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getLogDir method returns the log directory.
getLogMax() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getLogMax method returns the maximum log file size.
getLogRegionMax() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getLogRegionMax method returns the size of the underlying logging subsystem region.
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Returns the maximum number of retries that will be performed when deadlocks are detected.
getMaxsize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
The DbMpoolFile.getMaxsize method returns the size of the cache in bytes.
getMemoryPoolMapSize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getMemoryPoolMapSize method returns the maximum file map size.
getMode() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.getMode method returns the lock mode.
getMode() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
The getMode method returns the mode parameter when DbEnv.lockGet was called, and returns the mode for the failed DbLockRequest when DbEnv.lockVector was called.
getNoWait() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Returns whether transactions will throw DbLockNotGrantedException instead of blocking when trying to access data that is locked by another transaction.
getObj() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.getObj method returns the object protected by this lock.
getObj() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
The getObj method returns the mode parameter when returns the object parameter when DbEnv.lockGet was called, and returns the object for the failed DbLockRequest when DbEnv.lockVector was called.
getObject() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return an object from the data array, encoding the object using the Java serialization API.
getOffset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return the byte offset into the data array.
getOffset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLsn
The DbLsn.getOffset method returns the DbLsn object's file number.
getOp() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.getOp method returns the operation.
getOp() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockNotGrantedException
The getOp method returns 0 when DbEnv.lockGet was called, and returns the op for the failed DbLockRequest when DbEnv.lockVector was called.
getOpenFlags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getOpenFlags method returns the open method flags.
getOpenFlags() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getOpenFlags method returns the current open method flags.
getPageSize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getPageSize method returns the page size.
getPartialLength() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return the length of the partial record, in bytes.
getPartialOffset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return the offset of the partial record, in bytes.
getPrimaryKeyFormat() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.KeyExtractor
Returns the format of the primary key data or null if the index key data is not derived from the primary key data.
getPrimaryKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor
getPrimaryKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor
getPrimaryKeyFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor
getPrimitiveBinding(Class, TupleFormat) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleBinding
Creates a tuple binding for a primitive Java class.
getPriority() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
The DbMpoolFile.getPriority method returns the cache priority.
getQueueExtentSize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getQueueExtentSize method returns the number of pages in an extent.
getRecordDelimiter() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getRecordDelimiter method returns the delimiting byte.
getRecordLength() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getRecordLength method returns the record length.
getRecordNumber() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return an object from the data array, expecting that data to be a logical record number.
getRecordPad() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getRecordPad method returns the pad character.
getRecordSource() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.getRecordSource method returns the source file.
getReplicationLimit() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getReplicationLimit method returns the transmit limit in bytes.
getSegmentId() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getSegmentId method returns the base segment ID.
getSingleKeyThang() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the key thang for a single key range, or null if a single key range is not used.
getSize() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return the data array size.
getStore() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the store, as specified to the constructor.
getStore() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataIndex
Returns the store associated with this index.
getStreamHeader() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialOutput
Returns the fixed stream header used for all serialized streams in PROTOCOL_VERSION_2 format.
getTestAndSetSpins() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getTestAndSetSpins method returns the test-and-set spin count.
getTimeout() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.getTimeout method returns the lock timeout value.
getTimeout(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getTimeout method returns a timeout value, in microseconds.
getTmpDir() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getTmpDir method returns the database environment temporary file directory.
getTxn() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Returns the transaction associated with the current thread for this environment, or null if no transaction is active.
getTxnMax() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getTxnMax method returns the number of active transactions.
getTxnTimestamp() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getTxnTimestamp method returns the recovery timestamp.
getUserBufferLength() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Return the length in bytes of the user-specified buffer.
getValue() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.MapEntry
Returns the value of this entry.
getValueBinding() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the value binding that is used.
getValueEntityBinding() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns the entity binding that is used.
getValueFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore
Returns the value format associated with this store.
getValueFormat() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.KeyExtractor
Returns the format of the value data or null if the index key data is not derived from the value data.
getValueFormat() - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.EntityBinding
Returns the format used for the value data of this binding.
getValueFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor
getValueFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
getValueFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor
getValueFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
getValueFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor
getValueFormat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
getVerbose(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getVerbose method returns whether the specified which parameter is currently set or not.
getVersionMajor() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getVersionMajor method returns the release major number.
getVersionMinor() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getVersionMinor method returns the release minor number.
getVersionPatch() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getVersionPatch method returns the release patch number.
getVersionString() - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.getVersionString method returns the release verbose version information, suitable for display.
getView() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Returns the view for this cursor, as specified to the constructor.
getZeroTerminatedByteLength(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Returns the byte length of a null terminated UTF string, not including the terminator.
gid - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbPreplist
The global transaction ID for the transaction.
greater - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbKeyRange
A value between 0 and 1, the proportion of keys greater than the specified key.


hash_bfree - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of bytes free on bucket pages.
hash_big_bfree - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of bytes free on big item pages.
hash_bigpages - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of big key/data pages.
hash_buckets - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of hash buckets.
hash_dup - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of duplicate pages.
hash_dup_free - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of bytes free on duplicate pages.
hash_ffactor - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The desired fill factor (number of items per bucket) specified at database-creation time.
hash_free - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of pages on the free list.
hash_magic - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
Magic number that identifies the file as a Hash file.
hash_metaflags - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
hash_ndata - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of key/data pairs in the database.
hash_nkeys - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of unique keys in the database.
hash_overflows - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of overflow pages (overflow pages are pages that contain items that did not fit in the main bucket page).
hash_ovfl_free - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The number of bytes free on overflow pages.
hash_pagesize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The underlying Hash database page (and bucket) size, in bytes.
hash_version - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
The version of the Hash database.
hash(Db, byte[], int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbHash
The DbHash interface is used by the Db.setHash method.
hashCode() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.MapEntry
Computes a hash code as specified by Map.Entry.hashCode().
hashCode() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
hasNext() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns true if this iterator has more elements when traversing in the forward direction.
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns true if this iterator has more elements when traversing in the reverse direction.
hasRecNumAccess() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns whether record number access is allowed.
hasRecNumAccess() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Returns whether record number access is allowed.
headMap(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose keys are strictly less than toKey.
headMap(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map whose elements are strictly less than toKey, optionally including toKey.
headSet(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly less than toValue.
headSet(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly less than toKey.
headSet(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly less than toMapEntry.
headSet(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly less than toValue, optionally including toValue.
headSet(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly less than toKey, optionally including toKey.
headSet(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly less than toMapEntry, optionally including toMapEntry.


id() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
The method returns the unique transaction id associated with the specified transaction.
increment() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Increments the data value for this thang, treating the byte array as a Java BigInteger where the bytes are in MSB-first order.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
inputToData(TupleInput, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleFormat
Utility method to set the data in a data buffer to the data in a tuple input object.
INT - Static variable in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType
Integer data type.
IntegrityConstraintException - exception com.sleepycat.bdb.IntegrityConstraintException.
Thrown when an integrity constraint violation occurs.
IntegrityConstraintException(String) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.IntegrityConstraintException
Creates an integrity constraint exception.
IOExceptionWrapper - exception com.sleepycat.bdb.util.IOExceptionWrapper.
An IOException that can contain nested exceptions.
IOExceptionWrapper(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.IOExceptionWrapper
isAutoCommit() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether auto-commit is set for this view or for the transactional environment of the store and index.
isAutoCommit() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Returns whether AUTO_COMMIT will be used for all non-cursor write operations when no transaction is active.
isAutoCommit() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether auto-commit is enabled for this container or for its associated DbEnv.
isByteSwapped() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.isByteSwapped method returns false if the underlying database files were created on an architecture of the same byte order as the current one, and true if they were not (that is, big-endian on a little-endian machine, or vice versa).
isDirtyRead() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Returns whether dirty-read is used for the current transaction.
isDirtyReadAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether DIRTY_READ was specified for both the Store and Index.
isDirtyReadAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns whether dirty-read is allowed for the database.
isDirtyReadAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether dirty-read is allowed for this container.
isDirtyReadEnabled() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether DIRTY_READ will be used for all read operations.
isDirtyReadEnabled() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether dirty-read is enabled for this container.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether no records are present in the view.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns true if this map or collection contains no mappings or elements.
isEncrypted() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.isEncrypted method returns false if the underlying database files are encrypted and true if they are not.
isIndexed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether this container is a view on a DataIndex rather than directly on a DataStore.
isNoWait() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.CurrentTransaction
Returns whether no-wait is used for the current transaction.
isOrdered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether keys are ordered for the index or store.
isOrdered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns whether keys are ordered for the database.
isOrdered() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether keys are ordered in this container.
isTransactional() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether the store and index are transactional.
isTransactional() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns whether the database was opened in a transaction and therefore must be written in a transaction.
isTransactional() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns whether the databases underlying this container are transactional.
isTransactional() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.isTransactional method returns true if the Db handle has been opened in a transactional mode.
isWriteAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns whether write operations are allowed.
isWriteAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Returns whether write is allowed for this cursor, as specified to the constructor.
isWriteAllowed() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Returns true if this is a read-write container or false if this is a read-only container.
iterator() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection.
iterator(boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Returns a read or read-write iterator over the elements in this collection.
iterator(Iterator) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections
Clones a stored iterator preserving its current position.


join(DataCursor[], boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns a cursor for this view that reads only records having the index key values at the specified cursors.
join(DataView[], Object[], boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Returns a cursor for this view that reads only records having the specified index key values.
join(Dbc[], int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.join method creates a specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or natural joins on secondary indices.
join(StoredContainer[], Object[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Returns an iterator representing an equality join of the indices and index key values specified.
join(StoredContainer[], Object[], boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Returns an iterator representing an equality join of the indices and index key values specified.


key_range(DbTxn, Dbt, DbKeyRange, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by keyRange(DbTxn,Dbt,DbKeyRange,int)
KeyExtractor - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.KeyExtractor.
The interface implemented for extracting the index key from primary key and/or value buffers, and for clearing the index key in a value buffer.
keyRange(DbTxn, Dbt, DbKeyRange, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.keyRange method returns an estimate of the proportion of keys that are less than, equal to, and greater than the specified key.
KeyRangeException - exception com.sleepycat.bdb.KeyRangeException.
(internal) An exception thrown when a key is out of range.
KeyRangeException(String) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.KeyRangeException
Creates a key range exception.
keySet() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySetView() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Return a new key-set view derived from this view by setting the entity and value binding to null.


last() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns the last (highest) element currently in this sorted set.
last() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns the last (highest) element currently in this sorted set.
last() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns the last (highest) element currently in this sorted set.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Returns the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
lastKey() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns the last (highest) element currently in this sorted map.
less - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbKeyRange
A value between 0 and 1, the proportion of keys less than the specified key.
listIterator() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence).
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this list.
lock_detect(int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockDetect(int,int)
lock_get(int, int, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockGet(int,int,Dbt,int)
lock_id_free(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockIdFree(int)
lock_id() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockId()
lock_put(DbLock) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockPut(DbLock)
lock_stat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockStat(int)
lock_vec(int, int, DbLockRequest[], int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockVector(int,int,DbLockRequest[],int,int)
lockDetect(int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.lockDetect method runs one iteration of the deadlock detector.
lockGet(int, int, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.lockGet method acquires a lock from the lock table, returning information about it in a DbLock object.
lockId() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.lockId method returns a locker ID, which is guaranteed to be unique in the specified lock table.
lockIdFree(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.lockIdFree method frees a locker ID allocated by the DbEnv.lockId method.
lockPut(DbLock) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.lockPut method releases lock.
lockStat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.lockStat method returns the locking subsystem statistics.
lockVector(int, int, DbLockRequest[], int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.lockVector method atomically obtains and releases one or more locks from the lock table.
log_archive(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logArchive(int)
log_compare(DbLsn, DbLsn) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logCompare(DbLsn,DbLsn)
log_cursor(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logCursor(int)
log_file(DbLsn) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logFile(DbLsn)
log_flush(DbLsn) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logFlush(DbLsn)
log_put(DbLsn, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logPut(DbLsn,Dbt,int)
log_stat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logStat(int)
logArchive(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.logArchive method returns an array of log or database filenames.
logCompare(DbLsn, DbLsn) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.logCompare method allows the caller to compare two DbLsn objects, returning 0 if they are equal, 1 if lsn0 is greater than lsn1, and -1 if lsn0 is less than lsn1.
logCursor(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.logCursor method returns a created log cursor.
logFile(DbLsn) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.logFile method maps DbLsn objects to filenames, returning the name of the file containing the record named by lsn.
logFlush(DbLsn) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.logFlush method writes log records to disk.
logPut(DbLsn, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.logPut method appends records to the log.
logStat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.logStat method returns the logging subsystem statistics.
LONG - Static variable in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType
Long data type.
lsn - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.Active
The current log sequence number when the transaction was begun.


makeSpace(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Ensure that at least the given number of bytes are available in the internal buffer.
MapEntry - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.MapEntry.
A simple Map.Entry implementation.
MapEntry(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.MapEntry
Creates a map entry with a given key and value.
mark(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
markSupported() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
marshalData(TupleOutput) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.MarshalledTupleData
Construct the key or value tuple data from the key or value object.
marshalIndexKey(String, TupleOutput) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.MarshalledTupleKeyEntity
Extracts the entity's index key and writes it to the key output.
MarshalledTupleData - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.MarshalledTupleData.
A marshalling interface implemented by key, value or entity classes that have tuple data.
MarshalledTupleKeyEntity - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.MarshalledTupleKeyEntity.
A marshalling interface implemented by entity classes that have tuple data keys.
marshalPrimaryKey(TupleOutput) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.MarshalledTupleKeyEntity
Extracts the entity's primary key and writes it to the key output.
memoryPoolFileStat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.memoryPoolFileStat method creates an array of DbMpoolFStat objects containing statistics for individual files in the cache.
memoryPoolStat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.memoryPoolStat method returns the memory pool (that is, the buffer cache) subsystem statistics.
memoryPoolTrickle(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.memoryPoolTrickle method ensures that a specified percent of the pages in the shared memory pool are clean, by writing dirty pages to their backing files.
memp_fstat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.memoryPoolFileStat(int)
memp_stat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.memoryPoolStat(int)
memp_trickle(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.memoryPoolTrickle(int)


newDataIndex(DataStore, Db, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Creates an index from a previously opened Db object.
newDataStore(Db, Class, PrimaryKeyAssigner) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Creates a store from a previously opened Db object.
newForeignKeyIndex(DataStore, Db, String, boolean, boolean, DataStore, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Creates a foreign key index from a previously opened Db object.
newMap(DataIndex, Class, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Creates a map for a given index that was obtained from this factory.
newMap(DataStore, Class, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Creates a map for a given store that was obtained from this factory.
newOutput() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleFormat
Utility method for use by bindings to create a tuple output object.
newSortedMap(DataIndex, Class, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Creates a sorted map for a given index that was obtained from this factory.
newSortedMap(DataStore, Class, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Creates a sorted map for a given store that was obtained from this factory.
next() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns the next element in the interation.
next(Dbt) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleDataIterator
The method takes a Dbt that will be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a size, and an offset that together yield the next data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
next(Dbt, Dbt) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator
The method takes two Dbts, one for a key and one for a data item, that will each be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a size, and an offset that together yield the next key and data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
next(Dbt, Dbt) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMultipleKeyDataIterator
The method takes two Dbts, one for a key and one for a data item, that will each be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a size, and an offset that together yield the next key and data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
nextIndex() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns the index of the element that would be returned by a subsequent call to next.
NONE - Static variable in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType
Undefined data type.


objectToData(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialBinding
Can be overridden to convert the object to a deserialized data object.
objectToData(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberBinding
objectToData(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBinding
Converts an Object into a data buffer.
objectToData(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.ByteArrayBinding
objectToData(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialFormat
Utility method for use by bindings to serialize an object.
objectToData(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialBinding
objectToData(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInputBinding
objectToData(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleBinding
objectToData(Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleMarshalledBinding
objectToData(Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleBinding
Converts a key or value object to a tuple data.
objectToKey(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
Extracts a key object from an entity object.
objectToKey(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.EntityBinding
Extracts the key data from an entity Object.
objectToKey(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
objectToKey(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
objectToKey(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
objectToKey(Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledBinding
objectToKey(Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
Extracts a key tuple from an entity object.
objectToKey(Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledBinding
objectToKey(Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
Extracts a key tuple from an entity object.
objectToValue(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledBinding
objectToValue(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
Extracts a value object from an entity object.
objectToValue(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
Extracts a value object from an entity object.
objectToValue(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.EntityBinding
Extracts the value data from an entity Object.
objectToValue(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
objectToValue(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
objectToValue(Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
objectToValue(Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledBinding
objectToValue(Object, TupleOutput) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
Extracts a key tuple from an entity object.
ON_DELETE_ABORT - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.ForeignKeyIndex
When the foreign key is deleted, throw an exception.
ON_DELETE_CASCADE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.ForeignKeyIndex
When the foreign key is deleted, delete the index key.
ON_DELETE_CLEAR - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.ForeignKeyIndex
When the foreign key is deleted, clear the index key.
ONE_DAY - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.TimeUnits
One day in milliseconds.
ONE_HOUR - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.TimeUnits
One hour in milliseconds.
ONE_MINUTE - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.TimeUnits
One minute in milliseconds.
ONE_SECOND - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.TimeUnits
One second in milliseconds.
ONE_WEEK - Static variable in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.TimeUnits
One week in milliseconds.
open(DbTxn, String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The method opens the database represented by the file and database parameters for both reading and writing.
open(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The method opens a Berkeley DB environment.
openCursor(boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Opens a cursor for this database.
outputToData(TupleOutput, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleFormat
Utility method to set the data in a data buffer to the data in a tuple output object.


panic(DbEnv, DbException) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbPanicHandler
The DbPanicHandler interface is used by the DbEnv.setPanicHandler method.
parentid - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.Active
The transaction ID of the parent transaction (or 0, if no parent).
pget(Dbt, Dbt, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Dbc.get(Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
pget(DbTxn, Dbt, Dbt, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by get(DbTxn,Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
prefix(Db, Dbt, Dbt) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreePrefix
The DbBtreePrefix interface is used by the Db.setBtreePrefix method.
prepare(byte[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
The DbTxn.prepare method initiates the beginning of a two-phase commit.
previous() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns the next element in the interation.
previousIndex() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Returns the index of the element that would be returned by a subsequent call to previous.
PrimaryKeyAssigner - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.PrimaryKeyAssigner.
An interface implemented to assign new primary key values.
put(DataThang, DataThang, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Performs a general database 'put' operation.
put(Dbc, DataThang, DataThang, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Performs a general database 'put' operation via a cursor.
put(Dbt, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbc
The Dbc.put method stores key/data pairs into the database.
put(DbTxn, Dbt, Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.put method stores key/data pairs in the database.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(Object, Object, int, Object[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Performs a database 'put' operation, optionally returning the old value.
put(Object, Object, int, Object[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Perform an arbitrary database 'put' operation, optionally returning the previous value.
put(Object, Object, int, Object[], boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataCursor
Perform an arbitrary database 'put' operation, optionally using the current key instead of the key parameter.
putAll(Map) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).


qs_cur_recno - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
Next available record number.
qs_extentsize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
Underlying database extent size, in pages.
qs_first_recno - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
First undeleted record in the database.
qs_magic - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
Magic number that identifies the file as a Queue file.
qs_metaflags - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
qs_ndata - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
The number of records in the database.
qs_nkeys - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
The number of records in the database.
qs_pages - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
Number of pages in the database.
qs_pagesize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
Underlying database page size, in bytes.
qs_pgfree - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
Number of bytes free in database pages.
qs_re_len - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
The length of the records.
qs_re_pad - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
The padding byte value for the records.
qs_version - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
The version of the Queue file type.


read() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
readBoolean() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a boolean (one byte) unsigned value from the buffer and returns true if it is non-zero and false if it is zero.
readByte() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a signed byte (one byte) value from the buffer.
readBytes(char[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads the specified number of bytes from the buffer, converting each unsigned byte value to a character of the resulting array.
readBytes(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads the specified number of bytes from the buffer, converting each unsigned byte value to a character of the resulting string.
readChar() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a char (two byte) unsigned value from the buffer.
readChars(char[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads the specified number of characters from the buffer, converting each two byte unsigned value to a character of the resulting array.
readChars(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads the specified number of characters from the buffer, converting each two byte unsigned value to a character of the resulting string.
readDouble() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a signed double (eight byte) value from the buffer.
readFloat() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a signed float (four byte) value from the buffer.
readInt() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a signed int (four byte) value from the buffer.
readLong() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a signed long (eight byte) value from the buffer.
readShort() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a signed short (two byte) value from the buffer.
readString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads a null-terminated UTF string from the data buffer and converts the data from UTF to Unicode.
readString(char[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads the specified number of UTF characters string from the data buffer and converts the data from UTF to Unicode.
readString(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads the specified number of UTF characters string from the data buffer and converts the data from UTF to Unicode.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads an unsigned byte (one byte) value from the buffer.
readUnsignedInt() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads an unsigned int (four byte) value from the buffer.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Reads an unsigned short (two byte) value from the buffer.
RecordNumberBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberBinding.
A concrete binding for record number keys.
RecordNumberBinding(RecordNumberFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberBinding
Creates a byte array binding.
RecordNumberFormat - class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberFormat.
The data format for record number keys.
RecordNumberFormat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberFormat
Creates a record number format.
recordNumberToData(long, DataBuffer) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.RecordNumberFormat
Utility method for use by bindings to translate a record number integer to a data buffer.
remove() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Removes the last element that was returned by next or previous (optional operation).
remove(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet
Removes the specified value from this set if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Removes the first occurrence in this list of the specified element (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredKeySet
Removes the specified key from this set if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredEntrySet
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present (optional operation).
remove(String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.remove method destroys a Berkeley DB environment if it is not currently in use.
remove(String, String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.remove method removes the database specified by the file and database parameters.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Removes all this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
rename(String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.rename method renames the database specified by the file and database parameters to newname.
rep_elect(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationElect(int,int,int)
rep_process_message(Dbt, Dbt, DbEnv.RepProcessMessage, DbLsn) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage(Dbt,Dbt,DbEnv.RepProcessMessage,DbLsn)
rep_start(Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationStart(Dbt,int)
rep_stat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationStat(int)
replicationElect(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.replicationElect method holds an election for the master of a replication group.
replicationProcessMessage(Dbt, Dbt, DbEnv.RepProcessMessage, DbLsn) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage method processes an incoming replication message sent by a member of the replication group to the local database environment.
replicationStart(Dbt, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.replicationStart method configures the database environment as a client or master in a group of replicated database environments.
replicationStat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.replicationStat method returns the replication subsystem statistics.
reset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
reset() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
run(TransactionWorker) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Calls the TransactionWorker.doWork() method and, for transactional environments, begins and ends a transaction.
RuntimeExceptionWrapper - exception com.sleepycat.bdb.util.RuntimeExceptionWrapper.
A RuntimeException that can contain nested exceptions.
RuntimeExceptionWrapper(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.RuntimeExceptionWrapper


secondaryKeyCreate(Db, Dbt, Dbt, Dbt) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbSecondaryKeyCreate
The secondaryKeyCreate interface is used by the Db.associate method.
send(DbEnv, Dbt, Dbt, DbLsn, int, int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.db.DbRepTransport
The DbRepTransport interface is used by the DbEnv.setReplicationTransport method.
SerialBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialBinding.
A concrete serial binding for keys or values.
SerialBinding(SerialFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialBinding
Creates a serial binding.
SerialFormat - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialFormat.
The format for serialized data.
SerialFormat(ClassCatalog, Class) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialFormat
Creates a serial format.
SerialInput - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialInput.
Used instead of an ObjectInputStream, which it extends, to read an object stream written by the SerialOutput class.
SerialInput(InputStream, ClassCatalog) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialInput
Creates a serial input stream.
SerialOutput - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialOutput.
Used instead of an ObjectOutputStream, which it extends, to write a compact object stream.
SerialOutput(OutputStream, ClassCatalog) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialOutput
Creates a serial output stream.
SerialSerialBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding.
An abstract entity binding that uses a serial key and a serial value.
SerialSerialBinding(SerialFormat, SerialFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialBinding
Creates a serial-serial entity binding.
SerialSerialKeyExtractor - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor.
A abstract key extractor that uses a serial key and a serial value.
SerialSerialKeyExtractor(SerialFormat, SerialFormat, SerialFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.SerialSerialKeyExtractor
Creates a serial-serial entity binding.
set_app_dispatch(DbAppDispatch) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setAppDispatch(DbAppDispatch)
set_append_recno(DbAppendRecno) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setAppendRecno(DbAppendRecno)
set_bt_compare(DbBtreeCompare) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setBtreeCompare(DbBtreeCompare)
set_bt_maxkey(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
set_bt_minkey(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setBtreeMinKey(int)
set_bt_prefix(DbBtreePrefix) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setBtreePrefix(DbBtreePrefix)
set_cachesize(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by DbEnv.setCacheSize(long,int)
set_cachesize(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by setCacheSize(long,int)
set_cachesize(long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setCacheSize(long,int)
set_cachesize(long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setCacheSize(long,int)
set_data_dir(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setDataDir(String)
set_data(byte[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setData(byte[])
set_dlen(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setPartialLength(int)
set_doff(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setPartialOffset(int)
set_dup_compare(DbDupCompare) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setDuplicateCompare(DbDupCompare)
set_encrypt(String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setEncrypted(String,int)
set_encrypt(String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setEncrypted(String,int)
set_errcall(DbErrcall) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by DbEnv.setErrorHandler(DbErrorHandler)
set_errcall(DbErrcall) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by setErrorHandler(DbErrorHandler)
set_error_stream(OutputStream) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setErrorStream(
set_error_stream(OutputStream) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setErrorStream(
set_errpfx(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setErrorPrefix(String)
set_errpfx(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setErrorPrefix(String)
set_feedback(DbEnvFeedback) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by DbEnv.setFeedbackHandler(DbEnvFeedbackHandler)
set_feedback(DbFeedback) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by setFeedbackHandler(DbFeedbackHandler)
set_flags(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setFlags(int)
set_flags(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setFlags(int)
set_flags(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.setFlags(int,boolean)
set_flags(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setFlags(int,boolean)
set_h_ffactor(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setHashFillFactor(int)
set_h_hash(DbHash) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setHash(DbHash)
set_h_nelem(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setHashNumElements(int)
set_lg_bsize(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLogBufferSize(int)
set_lg_dir(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLogDir(String)
set_lg_max(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLogMax(int)
set_lg_regionmax(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLogRegionMax(int)
set_lk_conflicts(byte[][]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockConflicts(byte[][])
set_lk_detect(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockDetect(int)
set_lk_max_lockers(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockMaxLockers(int)
set_lk_max_locks(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockMaxLocks(int)
set_lk_max_objects(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockMaxObjects(int)
set_lock(DbLock) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.setLock(DbLock)
set_lorder(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setByteOrder(int)
set_maxsize(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.setMaxsize(long)
set_mode(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.setMode(int)
set_mp_mmapsize(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setMemoryPoolMapSize(long)
set_obj(Dbt) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.setObj(Dbt)
set_object(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setObject(Object)
set_offset(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setOffset(int)
set_op(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.setOp(int)
set_pagesize(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setPageSize(long)
set_priority(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.setPriority(int)
set_q_extentsize(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setQueueExtentSize(int)
set_re_delim(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setRecordDelimiter(int)
set_re_len(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setRecordLength(int)
set_re_pad(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setRecordPad(int)
set_re_source(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by setRecordSource(String)
set_recno_key_data(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setRecordNumber(int)
set_rep_limit(int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by DbEnv.setReplicationLimit(long)
set_rep_limit(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setReplicationLimit(long)
set_rep_transport(int, DbRepTransport) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setReplicationTransport(int,DbRepTransport)
set_rpc_server(DbClient, String, long, long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setRpcServer(DbClient,String,long,long,int)
set_shm_key(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setSegmentId(long)
set_size(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setSize(int)
set_tas_spins(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTestAndSetSpins(int)
set_timeout(long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbTxn.setTimeout(long,int)
set_timeout(long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTimeout(long,int)
set_tmp_dir(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTmpDir(String)
set_tx_max(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTxnMax(int)
set_tx_timestamp(Date) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTxnTimestamp(java.util.Date)
set_ulen(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbt.setUserBufferLength(int)
set_verbose(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setVerbose(int,boolean)
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).
set(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Replaces the last element returned by next or previous with the specified element (optional operation).
setAppDispatch(DbAppDispatch) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
setAppendRecno(DbAppendRecno) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
setBtreeCompare(DbBtreeCompare) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
setBtreeMinKey(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the minimum number of key/data pairs intended to be stored on any single Btree leaf page.
setBtreePrefix(DbBtreePrefix) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
setByteOrder(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the byte order for integers in the stored database metadata.
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Sets the data for this thang.
setBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Sets the data for this thang.
setCacheSize(long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the size of the shared memory buffer pool -- that is, the cache.
setCacheSize(long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the size of the shared memory buffer pool -- that is, the cache.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Set the data array.
setData(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
setData(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
setData(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBuffer
Sets the data in this buffer to the given value.
setDataDir(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the path of a directory to be used as the location of the access method database files.
setDataFormation(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
setDataFormation(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
setDataFormation(Object) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataBuffer
Sets the formation associated with the data in this buffer.
setDirtyRead(boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Changes whether transactions will read data that is modified by another transaction but not committed.
setDuplicateCompare(DbDupCompare) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
setEncrypted(String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the password used by the Berkeley DB library to perform encryption and decryption.
setEncrypted(String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the password used by the Berkeley DB library to perform encryption and decryption.
setErrorHandler(DbErrorHandler) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, an exception is thrown.
setErrorHandler(DbErrorHandler) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, an exception is thrown.
setErrorPrefix(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the prefix string that appears before error messages issued by Berkeley DB.
setErrorPrefix(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the prefix string that appears before error messages issued by Berkeley DB.
setErrorStream(OutputStream) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, an exception is thrown.
setErrorStream(OutputStream) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, an exception is thrown.
setFeedbackHandler(DbEnvFeedbackHandler) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
setFeedbackHandler(DbFeedbackHandler) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
setFlags(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Set the object flag value.
setFlags(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Configure a database.
setFlags(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Configure a file in the cache.
setFlags(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Configure a database environment.
setHash(DbHash) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
setHashFillFactor(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the desired density within the hash table.
setHashNumElements(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set an estimate of the final size of the hash table.
setLock(DbLock) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.setLock method sets the lock reference.
setLockConflicts(byte[][]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the locking conflicts matrix.
setLockDetect(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set if the deadlock detector is to be run whenever a lock conflict occurs, and specify what lock request(s) should be rejected.
setLockForWrite(boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator
Changes whether write-locks will be obtained when reading with this cursor.
setLockMaxLockers(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the maximum number of locking entities supported by the Berkeley DB environment.
setLockMaxLocks(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the maximum number of locks supported by the Berkeley DB environment.
setLockMaxObjects(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the maximum number of locked objects supported by the Berkeley DB environment.
setLogBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the size of the in-memory log buffer, in bytes.
setLogDir(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The path of a directory to be used as the location of logging files.
setLogMax(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the maximum size of a single file in the log, in bytes.
setLogRegionMax(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Set the size of the underlying logging area of the Berkeley DB environment, in bytes.
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Changes the maximum number of retries that will be performed when deadlocks are detected.
setMaxsize(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Set the maximum size for the file to be bytes bytes.
setMemoryPoolMapSize(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Files that are opened read-only in the pool (and that satisfy a few other criteria) are, by default, mapped into the process address space instead of being copied into the local cache.
setMode(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.setMode method sets the lock mode.
setNoWait(boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Changes whether transactions will throw DbLockNotGrantedException instead of blocking when trying to access data that is locked by another transaction.
setObj(Dbt) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.setObj method sets the lock object.
setObject(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Initialize the data array from a serialized object, encoding the object using the Java serialization API.
setOffset(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Set the byte offset into the data array.
setOp(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.setOp method sets the operation.
setPageSize(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the size of the pages used to hold items in the database, in bytes.
setPanicHandler(DbPanicHandler) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
setPanicHandler(DbPanicHandler) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Errors can occur in the Berkeley DB library where the only solution is to shut down the application and run recovery (for example, if Berkeley DB is unable to allocate heap memory).
setPartialLength(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Set the byte length of the partial record being read or written by the application, in bytes.
setPartialOffset(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Set the offset of the partial record being read or written by the application, in bytes.
setPriority(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFile
Set the cache priority for pages from the specified file.
setQueueExtentSize(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the size of the extents used to hold pages in a Queue database, specified as a number of pages.
setRecordDelimiter(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the delimiting byte used to mark the end of a record in the backing source file for the Recno access method.
setRecordLength(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
For the Queue access method, specify that the records are of length re_len.
setRecordNumber(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Initialize the data array from a logical record number.
setRecordPad(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the padding character for short, fixed-length records for the Queue and Recno access methods.
setRecordSource(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
Set the underlying source file for the Recno access method.
setReplicationLimit(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.setReplicationLimit method imposes a byte-count limit on the amount of data that will be transmitted from a site in a single call to DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage method.
setReplicationTransport(int, DbRepTransport) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
setRpcServer(DbClient, String, long, long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Establishes a connection for this dbenv to a RPC server.
setSegmentId(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Specify a base segment ID for Berkeley DB environment shared memory regions created in system memory on VxWorks or systems supporting X/Open-style shared memory interfaces; for example, UNIX systems supporting shmget(2) and related System V IPC interfaces.
setSize(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Set the byte size of the data array.
setTestAndSetSpins(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Specify that test-and-set mutexes should spin tas_spins times without blocking.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockRequest
The DbLockRequest.setTimeout method sets the lock timeout value.
setTimeout(long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn
The DbTxn.setTimeout method sets timeout values for locks or transactions for the specified transaction.
setTimeout(long, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.setTimeout method sets timeout values for locks or transactions in the database environment.
setTmpDir(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Specify the path of a directory to be used as the location of temporary files.
setTxnMax(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Configure the Berkeley DB database environment to support at least max active transactions.
setTxnTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Recover to the time specified by timestamp rather than to the most current possible date.
setUserBufferLength(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Dbt
Set the byte size of the user-specified buffer.
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.MapEntry
Changes the value of this entry.
setVerbose(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.setVerbose method turns specific additional informational and debugging messages in the Berkeley DB message output on and off.
SimpleBuffer - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer.
A simple data buffer implementation that allows using bindings for arbitrary data outside the context of a database.
SimpleBuffer() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
Creates a simple buffer with null data, an offset of zero and a length of zero.
SimpleBuffer(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
Creates a simple buffer with the given data with an offset of zero and a length equal to the length of the data array.
SimpleBuffer(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.SimpleBuffer
Creates a simple buffer with the given data, offset and length.
size() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet
size() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer
Always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
size() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
skip(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastInputStream
st_alloc - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Number of page allocations.
st_alloc_buckets - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Number of hash buckets checked during allocation.
st_alloc_max_buckets - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Maximum number of hash buckets checked during an allocation.
st_alloc_max_pages - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Maximum number of pages checked during an allocation.
st_alloc_pages - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Number of pages checked during allocation.
st_bytes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Bytes of cache (total cache size is st_gbytes + st_bytes).
st_cache_hit - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Requested pages found in the cache.
st_cache_hit - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
Requested pages found in the cache.
st_cache_miss - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Requested pages not found in the cache.
st_cache_miss - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
Requested pages not found in the cache.
st_cur_file - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The current log file number.
st_cur_maxid - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The current maximum unused locker ID.
st_cur_offset - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The byte offset in the current log file.
st_disk_file - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The log file number of the last record known to be on disk.
st_disk_offset - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The byte offset of the last record known to be on disk.
st_dupmasters - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of duplicate master conditions detected.
st_election_cur_winner - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The election winner.
st_election_gen - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The election generation number.
st_election_lsn - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The maximum LSN of election winner.
st_election_nsites - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number sites expected to participate in elections.
st_election_priority - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The election priority.
st_election_status - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The current election phase (0 if no election is in progress).
st_election_tiebreaker - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The election tiebreaker value.
st_election_votes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The votes received this election round.
st_elections - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of elections held.
st_elections_won - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of elections won.
st_env_id - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The current environment ID.
st_env_priority - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The current environment priority.
st_gbytes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Gigabytes of cache (total cache size is st_gbytes + st_bytes).
st_gen - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The current generation number.
st_hash_buckets - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Number of hash buckets in buffer hash table.
st_hash_examined - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Total number of hash elements traversed during hash table lookups.
st_hash_longest - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
The longest chain ever encountered in buffer hash table lookups.
st_hash_max_wait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
The maximum number of times any hash bucket lock was waited for by a thread of control.
st_hash_nowait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
The number of times that a thread of control was able to obtain a hash bucket lock without waiting.
st_hash_searches - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Total number of buffer hash table lookups.
st_hash_wait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
The number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining a hash bucket lock.
st_id - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The last allocated locker ID.
st_in_recovery - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The site is currently in client recovery.
st_last_ckp - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The LSN of the last checkpoint.
st_last_txnid - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The last transaction ID allocated.
st_lg_bsize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The in-memory log record cache size.
st_lg_size - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The current log file size.
st_locktimeout - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
Lock timeout value.
st_log_duplicated - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of duplicate log records received.
st_log_queued - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of log records currently queued.
st_log_queued_max - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The maximum number of log records ever queued at once.
st_log_queued_total - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The total number of log records queued.
st_log_records - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of log records received and appended to the log.
st_log_requested - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of log records missed and requested.
st_magic - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The magic number that identifies a file as a log file.
st_map - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Requested pages mapped into the process' address space (there is no available information about whether or not this request caused disk I/O, although examining the application page fault rate may be helpful).
st_map - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
Requested pages mapped into the process' address space.
st_master - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The current master environment ID.
st_master_changes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of times the master has changed.
st_maxcommitperflush - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The maximum number of commits contained in a single log flush.
st_maxlockers - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The maximum number of lockers possible.
st_maxlocks - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The maximum number of locks possible.
st_maxnactive - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The maximum number of active transactions at any one time.
st_maxnlockers - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The maximum number of lockers at any one time.
st_maxnlocks - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The maximum number of locks at any one time.
st_maxnobjects - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The maximum number of lock objects at any one time.
st_maxobjects - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The maximum number of lock objects possible.
st_maxtxns - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The maximum number of active transactions configured.
st_mincommitperflush - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The minimum number of commits contained in a single log flush that contained a commit.
st_mode - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The mode of any created log files.
st_msgs_badgen - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of messages received with a bad generation number.
st_msgs_processed - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of messages received and processed.
st_msgs_recover - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of messages ignored due to pending recovery.
st_msgs_send_failures - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of failed message sends.
st_msgs_sent - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of messages sent.
st_naborts - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The number of transactions that have aborted.
st_nactive - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The number of transactions that are currently active.
st_nbegins - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The number of transactions that have begun.
st_ncache - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Number of caches.
st_ncommits - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The number of transactions that have committed.
st_nconflicts - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The total number of locks not immediately available due to conflicts.
st_ndeadlocks - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of deadlocks.
st_newsites - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of new site messages received.
st_next_lsn - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
In replication environments configured as masters, the next LSN expected.
st_nlockers - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of current lockers.
st_nlocks - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of current locks.
st_nlocktimeouts - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of lock requests that have timed out.
st_nmodes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of lock modes.
st_nnowaits - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The total number of lock requests failing because Db.DB_LOCK_NOWAIT was set.
st_nobjects - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of current lock objects.
st_nreleases - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The total number of locks released.
st_nrequests - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The total number of locks requested.
st_nrestores - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The number of transactions that have been restored.
st_nsites - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of sites believed to be in the replication group.
st_nthrottles - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
Transmission limited.
st_ntxntimeouts - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of transactions that have timed out.
st_outdated - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of outdated conditions detected.
st_page_clean - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Clean pages currently in the cache.
st_page_create - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Pages created in the cache.
st_page_create - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
Pages created in the cache.
st_page_dirty - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Dirty pages currently in the cache.
st_page_in - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Pages read into the cache.
st_page_in - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
Pages read into the cache.
st_page_out - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Pages written from the cache to the backing file.
st_page_out - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
Pages written from the cache to the backing file.
st_page_trickle - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Dirty pages written using the DbEnv.memoryPoolTrickle method.
st_pages - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Pages in the cache.
st_pagesize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
Page size in bytes.
st_region_nowait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The number of times that a thread of control was able to obtain the region lock without waiting.
st_region_nowait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
The number of times that a thread of control was able to obtain a region lock without waiting.
st_region_nowait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of times that a thread of control was able to obtain the region lock without waiting.
st_region_nowait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of times that a thread of control was able to obtain the region lock without waiting.
st_region_wait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining the region lock.
st_region_wait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
The number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining a region lock.
st_region_wait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining the region lock.
st_region_wait - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining the region lock.
st_regsize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The size of the region.
st_regsize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Individual cache size.
st_regsize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The size of the region.
st_regsize - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
The size of the lock region.
st_ro_evict - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Clean pages forced from the cache.
st_rw_evict - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Dirty pages forced from the cache.
st_scount - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of times the log has been flushed to disk.
st_status - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The current replication mode.
st_time_ckp - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
The time the last completed checkpoint finished (as the number of seconds since the Epoch, returned by the IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX) time function).
st_txnarray - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
st_txns_applied - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The number of transactions applied.
st_txntimeout - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
Transaction timeout value.
st_version - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The version of the log file type.
st_w_bytes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of bytes over and above st_w_mbytes written to this log.
st_w_mbytes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of megabytes written to this log.
st_waiting_lsn - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
The LSN of the first log record we have after missing log records being waited for, or 0 if no log records are currently missing.
st_wc_bytes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of bytes over and above st_wc_mbytes written to this log since the last checkpoint.
st_wc_mbytes - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of megabytes written to this log since the last checkpoint.
st_wcount - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of times the log has been written to disk.
st_wcount_fill - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
The number of times the log has been written to disk because the in-memory log record cache filled up.
stat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.stat method creates a statistical structure and fills it with statistics for the database.
StoredClassCatalog - class com.sleepycat.bdb.StoredClassCatalog.
Java serialization catalog used for compact storage of database objects.
StoredClassCatalog(DbEnv, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.StoredClassCatalog
Open a catalog database.
StoredCollection - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection.
A abstract base class for all stored collections.
StoredCollections - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollections.
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return stored collections.
StoredContainer - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredContainer.
A abstract base class for all stored collections and maps.
StoredEntrySet - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredEntrySet.
The Set returned by Map.entrySet().
StoredIterator - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator.
The Iterator returned by all stored collections.
StoredKeySet - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredKeySet.
The Set returned by Map.keySet() and which can also be constructed directly if a Map is not needed.
StoredKeySet(DataIndex, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredKeySet
Creates a key set view of a DataIndex.
StoredKeySet(DataStore, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredKeySet
Creates a key set view of a DataStore.
StoredList - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList.
A List view of a DataStore or DataIndex.
StoredList(DataIndex, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Creates a list view of a DataIndex.
StoredList(DataIndex, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Creates a list entity view of a DataIndex.
StoredList(DataStore, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Creates a list view of a DataStore.
StoredList(DataStore, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Creates a list entity view of a DataStore.
StoredMap - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap.
A Map view of a DataStore or DataIndex.
StoredMap(DataIndex, DataBinding, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Creates a map view of a DataIndex.
StoredMap(DataIndex, DataBinding, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Creates a map entity view of a DataIndex.
StoredMap(DataStore, DataBinding, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Creates a map view of a DataStore.
StoredMap(DataStore, DataBinding, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Creates a map entity view of a DataStore.
StoredSortedEntrySet - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet.
The SortedSet returned by Map.entrySet().
StoredSortedKeySet - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet.
The SortedSet returned by Map.keySet() and which can also be constructed directly if a Map is not needed.
StoredSortedKeySet(DataIndex, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Creates a sorted key set view of a DataIndex.
StoredSortedKeySet(DataStore, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Creates a sorted key set view of a DataStore.
StoredSortedMap - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap.
A SortedMap view of a DataStore or DataIndex.
StoredSortedMap(DataIndex, DataBinding, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Creates a sorted map view of a DataIndex.
StoredSortedMap(DataIndex, DataBinding, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Creates a sorted map entity view of a DataIndex.
StoredSortedMap(DataStore, DataBinding, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Creates a sorted map view of a DataStore.
StoredSortedMap(DataStore, DataBinding, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Creates a sorted map entity view of a DataStore.
StoredSortedValueSet - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet.
The SortedSet returned by Map.values() and which can also be constructed directly if a Map is not needed.
StoredSortedValueSet(DataIndex, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Creates a sorted value set view of a DataIndex.
StoredSortedValueSet(DataIndex, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Creates a sorted value set entity view of a DataIndex.
StoredSortedValueSet(DataStore, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Creates a sorted value set entity view of a DataStore.
StoredValueSet - class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet.
The Set returned by Map.values() and Map.duplicates(), and which can also be constructed directly if a Map is not needed.
StoredValueSet(DataIndex, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet
Creates a value set view of a DataIndex.
StoredValueSet(DataIndex, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet
Creates a value set entity view of a DataIndex.
StoredValueSet(DataStore, DataBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet
Creates a value set view of a DataStore.
StoredValueSet(DataStore, EntityBinding, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredValueSet
Creates a value set entity view of a DataStore.
strerror(int) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.strerror method returns an error message string corresponding to the error number error parameter.
STRING - Static variable in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.DataType
String data type.
stringToBytes(String) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps
Converts strings to byte arrays.
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredList
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
subMap(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map whose elements are strictly greater than fromKey and strictly less than toKey, optionally including fromKey and toKey.
subMap(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map whose elements range from fromKey, inclusive, to toKey, exclusive.
subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly greater than fromValue and strictly less than toValue, optionally including fromValue and toValue.
subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly greater than fromKey and strictly less than toKey, optionally including fromKey and toKey.
subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly greater than fromMapEntry and strictly less than toMapEntry, optionally including fromMapEntry and toMapEntry.
subSet(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements range from fromValue, inclusive, to toValue, exclusive.
subSet(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements range from fromKey, inclusive, to toKey, exclusive.
subSet(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements range from fromMapEntry, inclusive, to toMapEntry, exclusive.
subView(Object, boolean, Object, boolean, DataBinding) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Return a new value-set view for key range, optionally changing the key binding.
sync(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.sync method flushes any cached information to disk.


tailMap(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map whose elements are greater than or equal to fromKey.
tailMap(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map whose elements are strictly greater than fromKey, optionally including fromKey.
tailSet(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are greater than or equal to fromValue.
tailSet(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are greater than or equal to fromKey.
tailSet(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are greater than or equal to fromMapEntry.
tailSet(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedValueSet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly greater than fromValue, optionally including fromValue.
tailSet(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedKeySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly greater than fromKey, optionally including fromKey.
tailSet(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredSortedEntrySet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements are strictly greater than fromMapEntry, optionally including fromMapEntry.
TimeUnits - class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.TimeUnits.
Common time unit definitions.
TimeUnits() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.TimeUnits
toArray() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Returns an array of all the elements in this collection.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Returns an array of all the elements in this collection whose runtime type is that of the specified array.
toByteArray() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
Copy the buffered data to the given array.
toList() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Returns a copy of this collection as an ArrayList.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Converts the byte array of this thang to space-separated integers, and suffixed by the record number if applicable.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataStore
Returns a printable string identifying the filename and datbase name of the store.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataIndex
Returns a printable string identifying the file and database name of the index.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataDb
Returns a debugging string containing the database name.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Converts the map to a string representation for debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredEntrySet
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredCollection
Converts the collection to a string representation for debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.MapEntry
Converts the entry to a string representation for debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.Active
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbRepStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbQueueStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMpoolFStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbMemoryException
Override of DbException.toString(): the extra verbage that comes from DbEnv.strerror(ENOMEM) is not helpful.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLogStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbLockStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbHashStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbException
toString() - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbBtreeStat
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
toString(Dbt) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataThang
Converts the byte array of this thang to space-separated integers, and suffixed by the record number if applicable.
toString(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
TransactionRunner - class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner.
Starts a transaction, calls TransactionWorker.doWork(), and handles transaction retry and exceptions.
TransactionRunner(DbEnv) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Creates a transaction runner for a given Berkeley DB environment.
TransactionRunner(DbEnv, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionRunner
Creates a transaction runner for a given Berkeley DB environment and with a given number of maximum retries.
TransactionWorker - interface com.sleepycat.bdb.TransactionWorker.
The interface implemented to perform the work within a transaction.
truncate(DbTxn, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.truncate method empties the database, discarding all records it contains.
TupleBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleBinding.
An abstract tuple binding for tuple keys or values.
TupleBinding(TupleFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleBinding
Creates a tuple binding.
TupleFormat - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleFormat.
The format for tuple data.
TupleFormat() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleFormat
Creates a tuple format.
TupleInput - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput.
Used by tuple bindings to read tuple data.
TupleInput(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Creates a tuple input object for reading a byte array of tuple data.
TupleInput(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Creates a tuple input object for reading a byte array of tuple data at a given offset for a given length.
TupleInput(TupleOutput) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInput
Creates a tuple input object from the data contained in a tuple output object.
TupleInputBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInputBinding.
A concrete tuple binding for keys or values which are TupleInput objects.
TupleInputBinding(TupleFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleInputBinding
Creates a tuple input binding.
TupleMarshalledBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleMarshalledBinding.
A concrete key or value binding that uses the MarshalledTupleData interface.
TupleMarshalledBinding(TupleFormat, Class) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleMarshalledBinding
Creates a tuple marshalled binding object.
TupleOutput - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput.
Used by tuple bindings to write tuple data.
TupleOutput() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Creates a tuple output object for writing a byte array of tuple data.
TupleOutput(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Creates a tuple output object for writing a byte array of tuple data, using a given buffer.
TupleSerialBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding.
A abstract entity binding that uses a tuple key and a serial value.
TupleSerialBinding(TupleFormat, SerialFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialBinding
Creates a tuple-serial entity binding.
TupleSerialDbFactory - class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory.
Creates stored collections having tuple keys and serialized entity values.
TupleSerialDbFactory(ClassCatalog) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.factory.TupleSerialDbFactory
Creates a tuple-serial factory for given environment and class catalog.
TupleSerialKeyExtractor - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor.
A abstract key extractor that uses a tuple key and a serial value.
TupleSerialKeyExtractor(TupleFormat, SerialFormat, TupleFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialKeyExtractor
Creates a tuple-serial key extractor.
TupleSerialMarshalledBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledBinding.
A concrete entity binding that uses the MarshalledTupleKeyEntity interface.
TupleSerialMarshalledBinding(TupleFormat, SerialFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledBinding
Creates a tuple-serial marshalled binding object.
TupleSerialMarshalledKeyExtractor - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledKeyExtractor.
A concrete key extractor that works in conjunction with a TupleSerialMarshalledBinding.
TupleSerialMarshalledKeyExtractor(TupleSerialMarshalledBinding, TupleFormat, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.serial.TupleSerialMarshalledKeyExtractor
Creates a tuple-serial marshalled key extractor.
TupleTupleBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding.
An abstract entity binding that uses a tuple key and a tuple value.
TupleTupleBinding(TupleFormat, TupleFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleBinding
Creates a tuple-tuple entity binding.
TupleTupleKeyExtractor - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor.
An abstract key extractor that uses a tuple key and a tuple value.
TupleTupleKeyExtractor(TupleFormat, TupleFormat, TupleFormat) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleKeyExtractor
Creates a tuple-tuple key extractor.
TupleTupleMarshalledBinding - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledBinding.
A concrete entity binding that uses the MarshalledTupleData and the MarshalledTupleKeyEntity interfaces.
TupleTupleMarshalledBinding(TupleFormat, TupleFormat, Class) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledBinding
Creates a tuple-tuple marshalled binding object.
TupleTupleMarshalledKeyExtractor - class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledKeyExtractor.
A concrete key extractor that works in conjunction with a TupleTupleMarshalledBinding.
TupleTupleMarshalledKeyExtractor(TupleTupleMarshalledBinding, TupleFormat, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleTupleMarshalledKeyExtractor
Creates a tuple-tuple marshalled key extractor.
txn - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbPreplist
The transaction handle for the transaction.
txn_begin(DbTxn, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.txnBegin(DbTxn,int)
txn_checkpoint(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.txnCheckpoint(int,int,int)
txn_recover(int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.txnRecover(int,int)
txn_stat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.txnStat(int)
txnBegin(DbTxn, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.txnBegin method creates a new transaction in the environment and returns a DbTxn that uniquely identifies it.
txnCheckpoint(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.txnCheckpoint method flushes the underlying memory pool, writes a checkpoint record to the log, and then flushes the log.
txnid - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.Active
The transaction ID of the transaction.
txnRecover(int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.txnRecover method returns a list of prepared but not yet resolved transactions.
txnStat(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv
The DbEnv.txnStat method returns the transaction subsystem statistics.


unmarshalData(TupleInput) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.MarshalledTupleData
Construct the key or value object from the key or value tuple data.
unmarshalPrimaryKey(TupleInput) - Method in interface com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.MarshalledTupleKeyEntity
Completes construction of the entity by setting its primary key from the stored primary key.
unwrap(Exception) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.ExceptionUnwrapper
Unwraps an Exception and returns the underlying Exception, or throws an Error if the underlying Throwable is an Error.
unwrapAny(Throwable) - Static method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.ExceptionUnwrapper
Unwraps an Exception and returns the underlying Throwable.
upgrade(String, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.upgrade method upgrades all of the databases included in the file file, if necessary.
UtfOps - class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps.
UTF operations with more flexibility than is provided by DataInput and DataOutput.
UtfOps() - Constructor for class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.UtfOps


values() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
valueSetView() - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Return a new value-set view derived from this view by setting the key binding to null.
valueSetView(Object) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.DataView
Return a new value-set view for single key range.
verify(String, String, OutputStream, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.db.Db
The Db.verify method verifies the integrity of all databases in the file specified by the file parameter, and optionally outputs the databases' key/data pairs to the file stream specified by the outfile parameter.


write(byte[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes a boolean (one byte) unsigned value to the buffer, writing one if the value is true and zero if it is false.
writeByte(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an signed byte (one byte) value to the buffer.
writeBytes(char[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes the specified bytes to the buffer, converting each character to an unsigned byte value.
writeBytes(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes the specified bytes to the buffer, converting each character to an unsigned byte value.
writeChar(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes a char (two byte) unsigned value to the buffer.
writeChars(char[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes the specified characters to the buffer, converting each character to a two byte unsigned value.
writeChars(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes the specified characters to the buffer, converting each character to a two byte unsigned value.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an signed double (eight byte) value to the buffer.
writeFloat(float) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an signed float (four byte) value to the buffer.
writeInt(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an signed int (four byte) value to the buffer.
writeLong(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an signed long (eight byte) value to the buffer.
writeShort(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an signed short (two byte) value to the buffer.
writeString(char[]) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes the specified characters to the buffer, converting each character to UTF format.
writeString(String) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes the specified characters to the buffer, converting each character to UTF format, and adding a null terminator byte.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.util.FastOutputStream
writeUnsignedByte(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an unsigned byte (one byte) value to the buffer.
writeUnsignedInt(long) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an unsigned int (four byte) value to the buffer.
writeUnsignedShort(int) - Method in class com.sleepycat.bdb.bind.tuple.TupleOutput
Writes an unsigned short (two byte) value to the buffer.


xa_status - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.Active
If the transaction is an XA transaction, the status of the transaction, otherwise 0.
xid - Variable in class com.sleepycat.db.DbTxnStat.Active
If the transaction is an XA transaction, the transaction's XA ID.

Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.