Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Package com.sleepycat.db

Java API programming notes
[reference guide]


Interface Summary
DbAppDispatch An interface specifying a recovery function, which recovers application-specific actions.
DbAppendRecno An interface specifying a callback function that modifies stored data based on a generated key.
DbBtreeCompare An interface specifying a comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on the keys in a Btree database.
DbBtreePrefix An interface specifying a comparison function, which specifies the number of bytes needed to differentiate Btree keys.
DbClient The DbClient object is used to encapsulate a reference to an RPC client.
DbDupCompare An interface specifying a comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on the duplicate data items in a Btree database.
DbEnvFeedback Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnvFeedbackHandler
DbEnvFeedbackHandler The DbEnvFeedbackHandler interface is used by the DbEnv.setFeedback method.
DbErrcall Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbErrorHandler
DbErrorHandler An interface specifying a application-specific error reporting function.
DbFeedback Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbFeedbackHandler
DbFeedbackHandler The DbFeedbackHandler interface is used by the Db.setFeedback method.
DbHash An interface specifying a hashing function, which imposes a total ordering on the Hash database.
DbPanicHandler An interface specifying a function to handle database environment panics.
DbRepTransport An interface specifying a replication transmit function, which sends information to other members of the replication group.
DbSecondaryKeyCreate An interface specifying a function which constructs secondary keys from primary key and data items.

Class Summary
Db The Db handle is the handle for a Berkeley DB database, which may or may not be part of a database environment.
DbBtreeStat The DbBtreeStat object is used to return Btree or Recno database statistics.
Dbc The Dbc object is the handle for a cursor into a Berkeley DB database.
DbEnv The DbEnv object is the handle for a Berkeley DB environment -- a collection including support for some or all of caching, locking, logging and transaction subsystems, as well as databases and log files.
DbHashStat The DbHashStat object is used to return Hash database statistics.
DbLock The locking interfaces for the Berkeley DB database environment are methods of the DbEnv handle.
DbLockRequest The DbLockRequest object is used to encapsulate a single lock request.
DbLockStat The DbLockStat object is used to return lock region statistics.
DbLogc The DbLogc object is the handle for a cursor into the log files, supporting sequential access to the records stored in log files.
DbLogStat The DbLogStat object is used to return logging subsystem statistics.
DbLsn The DbLsn object is a log sequence number which specifies a unique location in a log file.
DbMpoolFile The memory pool interfaces for the Berkeley DB database environment are methods of the DbEnv handle.
DbMpoolFStat The DbMpoolFStat object is used to return memory pool per-file statistics.
DbMpoolStat The DbMpoolStat object is used to return memory pool statistics.
DbMultipleDataIterator The DbMultipleDataIterator class is used to iterate through data returned using the Db.DB_MULTIPLE flag from a database belonging to any access method.
DbMultipleKeyDataIterator The DbMultipleKeyDataIterator class is used to iterate through data returned using the Db.DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag from a database belonging to the Btree or Hash access methods.
DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator This class is used to iterate through data returned using the Db.DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag from a database belonging to the Recno or Queue access methods.
DbPreplist The DbPreplist object is used to encapsulate a single prepared, but not yet resolved, transaction.
DbQueueStat The DbQueueStat object is used to return Queue database statistics.
DbRepStat The DbRepStat object is used to return replication subsystem statistics.
Dbt This information describes the specific details of the Dbt class, used to encode keys and data items in a database.
DbTxn The DbTxn object is the handle for a transaction.
DbTxnStat The DbTxnStat object is used to return transaction subsystem statistics.

Exception Summary
DbDeadlockException This information describes the DbDeadlockException class and how it is used in the Berkeley DB library.
DbException This information describes the DbException class and how it is used by the various Berkeley DB classes.
DbLockNotGrantedException This information describes the DbLockNotGrantedException class and how it is used by the various Db* classes.
DbMemoryException This information describes the DbMemoryException class and how it is used by the various Db* classes.
DbRunRecoveryException This information describes the DbRunRecoveryException class and how it is used by the various Berkeley DB classes.

Package com.sleepycat.db Description

Java API programming notes
[reference guide]

Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.